Charts and interactive dashboards are an essential part of business and market  improvement based on real-time data. Charts are basically graphical representation of tabulated data. Visualization is a very effective way to illustrate the results of analysis and is an integral part of any report or presentation. Business or enterprise data can be interpreted visually through interactive charts using visualization tools like Tableau, QlikSense or Power BI.

The Alpha Analytics Visualization teams have wide experience in charting market research and enterprise data using PowerPoint, Excel, .Key (for iOS devices). Interactive real time dashboards are created using Tableau, QlikSense or PowerBI for our clients to illustrate actionable insights. Both static and live views of data can be created by connecting to static data files or live database connections. The various databases we normally connect to could include MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, SAS, Salesforce, Amazon AWS, Marketo, Hadoop, TeraData etc.; NoSQL databases like MongoDB or even standard inputs like excel or CSV files.

The charting or visualizations could be in any of the buckets:

Static Data Live Data
Descriptive Analytics XX XX

Market Research Studies Charting

Inputs required

  • Tables
  • Template for Chart
  • Special Instructions and standards

Enterprise Business Data Visualizations

Inputs required

  • Data with database access permissions
  • Metrics to be shown
  • Client brief about data models to be used

Output Formats

  • Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, .Key Charts
  • Tableau, PowerBI Dashboard

Output Formats

Interactive dash boards in

  • Tableau, QlikSense, PowerBI
  • Open source tools like R-Shiny, Python

Tools required

  • Excel, PowerPoint

Tools required

  • Tableau, QlikSense, PowerBI

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):

Which type of data/Statistical data you need to populate the charts?

For market Research Study Reports, we need  study tables, template, logos and charting specifications, requirements.  In place of tables, we could also with data in Excel/CSV/SPSS and survey questionnaire. For enterprise data dashboards, we need data in CSV or access to databases, metrics to be shown and viewing permissions tom be planned.

What is the standard Turnaround time to deliver the final output?

The standards timelines are from 3-4 days upto 15 days depending on whether the reports are required as static charts or interactive online dashboards with multiple hierarchal access permissions and whether they are based on historic data or live real time data bases.

How do prospective clients engage with us?

We welcome you to trial our tabulation and analytics  solutions at minimal or zero cost anytime. Call us for a free consult now. Alternately contact us using the link on this page with relevant contact information about your company.

What is the company’s expertise for charting , what is their experience level?

We have so far delivered over 1000 projects for charting and dashboards across industry verticals and across various data types.

What are the client engagement models?

We deliver client projects based on various SLA engagements – project based, FTE based, dedicated teams or plain adhoc requests.

Do you have any authentic client testimonials / referrals from existing customers and customers with whom you have worked so far?

Available on request.

Case Studies

overview of project
  1. Forecasting  of Revenue generated – In this plot  estimation of revenue is forecasted for all three locations Mumbai, Hyderabad. Bangalore.
  1. State Viz Performance- In this plot, we can view and analyse performance of each of the entity in geographic notation, The plot is interactive, once however on the bubble, it reveals other information such as # of claims made, revenue of each of the entity in terms of number and percentage.

3. Growth per Year- In this plot, we can see the growth of organization over the period of time in terms of revenue and payment made.

  1. Employee Performance- Here  top 10 employees  performance we are  visualized with respect to different regions, policy type and the incentives they are getting.

(All  are related and linked to each other dynamically)

claims report

Claims Report

Claims Report indicates everything about claims status, delaying in days to settle claim, impact of disease on gender, age group and The policies taken.

1.Claim Status over the previous period- Here claim Status w.r.t.  Months and year we are show casing,  from this we get to know how many no of claims are settled, rejected, closed and so on

2. Claim Vs Average Delay in Days- In this we are calculating the average no days  which is delay to settle claim  and count of policies in that particular  month.